3rd ESC / TO_AITION webinar
Newsletter 3rd issue
Introducing Our New Q&A Section on Depression
2nd ESC / TO_AITION webinar
1st ESC / TO_AITION webinar
TO_AITION webinar series
5th General Assembly Athens
2023 Cytokines Meeting, Athens, Greece (15-18 October 2023)
TO_AITION Consortium Excels at IEEE EMBC 45th Annual International Conference
TO_AITION at the NetSci 2023 Conference
TO_AITION new publication (VUMC & UVA)
TO_AITION new publication (UMCU)
American College of Neuropsychopharmacology annual meeting participation (7 December 2022)
4th General Assembly Utrecht
Amsterdam Public Health Annual Meeting (1 November 2022)
Amsterdam UMC science & awards day (21 October 2022)
Information Processing in Complex Systems (IPCS) satellite meeting
IPCS2022 meeting participation
NESDA DAY Participation
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme under grant agreement No 848146
The content of this website reflects only the views of its authors.
The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains
© 2023 TO_AITION