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2nd ESC / TO_AITION webinar

The second TO_AITION webinar titled “Common biological mechanisms connecting major depression with cardiometabolic diseases: towards immunometabolic depression” was broadcasted on the 10th of June, 2024 via the ESC 365 platform. In this session, Prof. Femke Lamers and Dr. Yuri Milaneschi (from partner VUMC) were hosted by Prof. Winfried Marz (from partner UHEI) and illuminated the connection between depression and cardiovascular disease (CVD) comorbidity. The attendees had the opportunity to learn more about the different biological profiles across depressive subtypes and gain a deeper understanding of how these immunometabolic forms of depression are connected to cardiovascular disease.


You can watch this insightful webinar of the TO_AITION project by clicking the link below:


Congratulation to our host and speakers for this fascinating webinar!



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research

and innovation programme under grant agreement No 848146

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